Can I invite other people to my Voicebits podcast?

You can add unlimited people to all your podcasts on Voicebits. Each podcast has its own team, where you can assign permissions to customize your peers access.

How to add a team member

  1. From your Voicebits account, go to the podcast you wish to add members to.
  2. Click the Team tab.
  3. Click Invite User.
  4. Enter the person's email address, and select the permission options.
  5. Click Send Invitation.
  6. An email containing the invitation notification will be sent to them.
  7. If they don't currently have a Voicebits account, they will be prompted to create one.
  8. They can then login and access the podcast you invited them to.

Permissions list

We offer you detailed access controls, enabling you to precisely choose the specific permissions and access levels for your users.

  • View episodes
  • Edit episodes
  • Upload episodes
  • Delete episodes
  • View users
  • Invite users
  • Edit users
  • Delete users
  • Edit podcast
  • Delete podcast
  • Manage team
  • Manage billing
  • Manage social
  • Manage website
  • Manage distribution

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